Atlas travel bus автоэкспресс, Пассажирские перевозки в России
В году выдвижение номинантов пройдет с 1 апреля по 15 июня, онлайн голосование за заявленных номинантов — с 16 апреля по 15 сентября. The air pollution with CO2 and dust as well as noise pollution are dangerous for all inhabitants, including the children and elderly people. Grenzallee 15 D Berlin Bis Dezember hatten die Fahrzeuge des Linienverkehrs interne dreistellige Wagennummern, die an das polizeiliche Kennzeichen angelehnt waren, ab Dezember wurden die internen Wagennummern auf das vierstellige System der Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe BVG umgestellt.
Красная горка. ИП Никогосян Б. Араратская область, с. ИП Никогосян Л. Араратская Область, с. Rembus Минская область, Стародорожский район. АвикоТрансБрест Брестская обл. ИП Иванов А. Витебский р-н, д. ГомельЕвроТранс Гомельская область, д. Перелетная птица Гомельская область, д. Cismitrans Тараклийский район, с. ИП Крылов Г. ИП Матвеев Ю. ИП Чернявская О. ИП Блажко К. ИП Дубенский А.
ИП Капустин Ю. ИП Федотова Е. ИП Ушакова С. ИП Зворыгина Н. ИП Муханова В. ИП Тедеева А. Моздок ИП Хохлун А. Троицкое Автоколесница Правобережный район, с. ИП Кириченко Н. ИП Оганесян В.
ИП Федорчук С. ИП Рыкованова О. ИП Новичихин А. Мариуполь ИП Загребельная Т. ИП Новокшонова Е. ИП Никушева А. ИП Хамидуллин Ф. ИП Шагалиев Д. ИП Юсупов А. Карабаш ИП Гордюнин В. Селенгуши ИП Корнеева А. ИП Микушкин Д.
ИП Ваккер Е. ИП Волков А. ИП Закордонец А. ИП Зубарев А. ИП Милкова В. ИП Мочалова Л. ИП Поздеев С. ИП Счастливцева Т. ИП Феофилактов А. ИП Халтурин В. ИП Шабардин С. ИП Шарафиев А. Песегово ИП Лобастов А. Ильинское ИП Финицких С. Слободской ИП Сафин Р. ИП Волостных К. ИП Гаврась А. ИП Ишханян М. ИП Курдюмов А. ИП Овсепян Г. ИП Петросян К. Анапа ПремиумАвто Анапский р-н, с. Армавир ИП Тихова А. Геленджик ИП Мухачев В. Крымск ИП Колесник С.
Крымск ИП Пикаль В. Ильский ИП Дмитриев И. Сочи ИП Кочян А. Сочи ИП Саркисян М. Сочи ИП Томосян А. Сочи ИП Хачатрян Э. Сочи Кубань Экспресс Белореченский р-н, с. Великовечное ИП Роженко В. Старотитаровская ИП Федоренко А. ИП Попель Д. ИП Ракулов Д. ИП Мазуленко В. Лисичанск ИП Шулика Ю. Молодогвардейск ИП Соколовский Р.
ИП Питеримова В. ИП Хуаде А. ИП Горшков Г. ИП Лаган Г. ИП Шинкарчук В. Котельники ИП Мачнев А. Ногинск ИП Гросу Г. Середа ИП Микушкин Д. ИП Шарий Е. ИП Шинкарев Я. ИП Шутов Р. ИП Звягинцева Е. ИП Крук А. ИП Плотников А. ИП Шуров А. ИП Нежданова Т. ИП Соромотин А. МАП Пермский район, д. ИП Мамедов Т. ИП Мкртчян Э. ИП Накопия Б. ИП Пеков Э. ИП Румянцева О. ИП Стаценко Н. ИП Шлаев С. Самарское ИП Грузиньш А.
Дубовой, ИП Капанадзе Л. ИП Гуськов Е. ИП Лобанов Е. ИП Протопопова Е. ИП Фокина Н. ИП Хасанов Д. ИП Чобанян Д. Рощинский ИП Григорьева О. ИП Васильев Ю. ИП Горелов С. ИП Калинин А. ИП Карабицкий М. ИП Тарусина А. ИП Курдин М. ИП Пугачев Н. ИП Томко А. Денисовка Ася Экспресс Симферопольский р-н, с. Колодезное ИП Пугачева Н. ИП Грызунов Г. ИП Еремян С. ИП Клочко А. ИП Бурмакова О.
ИП Шахраманов С. Буденновск ИП Торосян В. Пятигорск ИП Куренной В. ИП Чернышев В. ИП Кононенко О. Мирный ИП Николаев В. Personally, I think that the recipe of institutions such as the IMF has led us to recession.
There are two things that I can say in that regard: regarding operators, at some level we have to maintain the service because we do not want to relegate the people away from society.
It is a choice. Public transport and mobility used to be considered a second choice, first there was health, education and so on. Today, we have to review this priority; we have to admit that mobility is a priority too. Some of the money that was given to education or to health also makes some savings because social security is awfully expensive, so if we were running social security more efficiently, maybe we would have some money spared for mobility.
Suddenly, because of congestion and under the pressure of the citizens and climate change, there is now a pressure on the politicians. Mobility is now an irritating issue that they have to fix. Alain Flausch: It is our right to go to school, it is our right to go to work, to move, it is one of the fundamental rights that we have.
RailwayPRO: Nowadays electric buses have become quite fashionable. I believe that there is a draft regulation according to which every country will be forced to have the minimal infrastructure, for example Germany would have 3, places to load your electric car. Once you have this minimal standardized infrastructure, then people can go with this choice and buy electric cars and public transport operators will also buy first hybrid and then full-electric buses.
But first of all we need the infrastructure and then the market would develop. RailwayPRO: But are you confident that electric traction will be successful in the next decade? Alain Flausch: My perception is that there is a strong push to electric mobility. I believe we have to do it, we have to move to electric buses on the longrun.
When you see the savings that you can do in consumption with hybrid buses, I think it is really worth trying. There is also the biogas. In the north of France in Lille they have a plant which uses the waste to make gas for buses. Общественный транспорт является существенной составляющей городской жизни Четыре года спустя после запуска стратегии МСОТ об удвоении доли рынка общественного транспорта к году - PTx2, результаты не заставляют себя ждать.
Для того, чтобы узнать более подробно о том, как воспринимается стратегия МСОТ PTx2 властями, операторами и пользователями, о различиях между регионами в плане поощрения общественного транспорта, о продвижении этих важных услуг с экономической и социальной точки зрения, о необходимости привлечения инвестиций и о месте общественного транспорта, Генеральный секретарь МСОТ Алан Флауш дал интервью нашему журналу.
Awarding franchise contracts for passenger transport services aims at increasing the performance of delivering efficient transport services. The policies launched in Great Britain are aimed at encouraging operators to invest in improving services and the facilities available to passengers.
It includes measures aimed at launching more flexible franchise specifications to enable the operators to answer to new requirements, while still protecting the interests of taxpayers.
Among other fiscal measures, mechanisms and facilities, the reform encourages longer franchises giving train operators stronger incentives to invest, more flexibility about how services are configured, but with the Govern-.
The value of the extension of the contract in force until Sep-. DLR is one of the first light rail systems in Great Britain being equipped with the. Michael Robson: It is favourable to both parties and most importantly the passengers as it allows time for all the necessary documentation and staff to be in place for the start of services by the new franchisee so that the passenger is not inconvenienced in any way.
Thus, Tf L issues an invitation to bid to shortlisted companies and then it will select the winner. Tf L wants to make sure that within the new franchise the reliability of the new service will continue to improve and that maintenance works will be carried out on the long term on rolling stock, stations and lines.
The new franchise will start operation on 14 September Although the short list of bidders was published this year, companies will have little time to complete legal procedures and to draft the projects necessary to the development of services and of the transport system. Although the contract will be signed this year, the franchise will become effective starting with September.
How does the principle according to which the franchise enters operation one year after the conclusion of the contract operate? Michael Robson: In order to ensure a smooth transfer of the franchise it is necessary to have a period of between 6 months and a year to complete the legal formalities. Railway PRO: What is the goal of this practice keeping in mind that the beginning of the activity occurs one year after the conclusion of the contract? Michael Robson: To ensure that there is a seamless handover from the old to the new franchise operator and that the passenger is not inconvenienced.
This process has operated on many changeovers on the main line network with no problems at all and is proven way to ensure a smooth handover. It also ensures that there is adequate time to ensure that there are no surprises the day before the new operator takes over. Railway PRO: Is this period of time favourable to the operator or to the authorities? Railway PRO: Is this type of contract an example for the other European countries in delivering an efficient transport service?
In the UK, where all public rail services are franchised, passenger journeys last year were 1. The tender for the new services may be via a franchise or concession agreement, both of which will drive down costs and improve productivity. The correct tendering of services also allows the tendering authority to see exactly how much the service provision will cost and allows them to take informed decisions on the future provision of services.
Франчайзинг или концессионное соглашение обусловливают сокращение затрат и оптимизацию производительности Заключение контрактов на условиях франчайзинга на услуги пассажирского транспорта касается повышения показателей результативности и обеспечения эффективного транспорта.
Своими принятыми мерами Великобритания намеревается стимулировать операторов инвестировать в улучшение имеющихся услуг и льгот для пассажиров. Passenger high speed services will make rail more competitive with regard to air and rail freight increasing market share and contributing to achieving climate change targets. According to the results of the targeted consultation, new entrants may inter alia face discrimination from National Safety Authorities NSAs when applying for safety certificate or during vehicle authorisation processes.
Stakeholders reported more specifically that the processes leading to the delivery of safety certificate and vehicle authorisation are not sufficiently harmonised and transparent to prevent arbitrary and discriminative decisions by NSAs. Notwithstanding its important role in creation of the European railway interoperability and safety legislation, it is evident that currently ERA does not have.
At the same time, interoperability and safety requirements which should have been aligned to the common EU norms are still very different at national level, blocking the market access especially for the new entrants. This problem affects rail freight transport mostly, as the markets have been opened to competition for several years.
The new entrants, who often have limited human and financial resources, are relatively more vulnerable to the complexity of procedures and to the delays they cause. The current long and expensive procedures, especially those necessary for getting the authorisations for rolling stock and safety certificates for transport operators, are important factors which prevent the development and the operation of the EU railway market.
Besides being complicated and slow, these procedures do not guarantee sufficient level of mutual recognition of certificates and authorisations. This negatively affects particularly new companies wishing to enter into the market, thus contributing to a low level of competition and lasting market distortions.
Many times, stakeholders also complained that national railway authorities may use technical arguments and a legacy of diverging and not always transparent. Its monitoring responsibilities are practically limited to monitoring of safety performance and of interoperability. Необходимо оказать содействие осуществлению единого железнодорожного транспорта Усиление конкуренции должно повысить привлекательность железнодорожного сектора и сделать его более чутким к потребностям клиентов, позволяя железнодорожным операторам конкурировать с другими видами транспорта.
Услуги высокоскоростных железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок будут делать железнодорожный транспорт более конкурентоспособным по сравнению с воздушным транспортом, а доля рынка железнодорожных грузовых перевозок вырастет, тем самым способствуя достижению целей, установленных в сфере климатических изменений.
The Romanian Railway Catalogue provides comprehensive data on companies, organisations and institutions in the railway arena. It is the only railway product and service information source distributed to local purchasers interested in identifying prestigious suppliers. Croatia is ready to access the EU on 1 July becoming the 28 member state. Also, the government drafted a plan mission and the Approval of the European of normative activities also for and Parliament December Therefore, a draft Strategy to review the efficiency of starting with 1 July , Croatia will be- regulations over the coming 3 years in order come an EU member state, the Accession to create a better legislation and to reduce Treaty being ratified by all member states.
The Commission has carefully to regulate a series of measures concerning monitored all the commitments the customswill law,bethe systeminofall taxes and The principles of equal opportunityassumed and non-discrimination respected areas ofthe bythe Croatia focusing on the competition organisation of the customs system. In May IPA programme.
This coordination ensuredstate.
Slavko Linic advised. The customs administration will be restructured in hierarchy similar to the interior ministry in order to identify individual responsibilities within the system. Хорватия - е государство Европейского союза В конце марта года Европейская комиссия приняла последний отчет о мониторинге подготовки к вступлению Хорватии в ЕС. Хорватия готова вступить в ЕС начиная с 1 июля года, и тем самым стать м государствомчленом данной организации.
В конце года правительство Хорватии разработало план приведения национального законодательства в соответствие с европейским законодательством; на год было запланировано принятие законов, решения местных властей и 63 мер по их внедрению.
IPA assistance to Croatia euro million he economic situation is difficult; by , the Croatian economy I. Transition has enjoyed 10 years of growth of IV. Human assistance and II. Cross-border III. Regional V. Rural foreign investments, together with a low Component resources Total institution cooperation development development development inflation, stable currency and infrastructure building development, but its investment activity 2 2.
Also, starting with , the goo f te n d enecessary r s h a d n oto t bstructural e e n f i n a l economic i s e d by t h e Cro at i a n a u tDevelopment. Th e re optimise competitiveness other macro-economic which FP7, Marco Polo II, Customs was som e i m p r o v e m e nand t u ngrowing d e r I PA ,est h e cvergence o r r e s p o nto d i nthe g tim e timates.
In this context, in orderbut to there benefitremains projects and programme which offers customs admibeing reduced to 8 months, scope forfiscal betterframeworks for short from ther mfuture and long term reforms and, according to nistrations the opportunity of cooperating p e r fo a n ce support i n t h i s aof rethe a. These character- 0. Implementation of EU assistance to Croatia euro million, march Budget. Хорватия готовится к усвоению европейских фондов В качестве государства-члена ЕС, Хорватия будет иметь доступ к европейским средствам, направленным на обеспечение экономического роста и на интеграцию в политическую жизнь Европы и на осуществление европейских программ.
Но для того, чтобы в будущем пользоваться поддержкой со стороны ЕС, Хорватия должна обеспечивать адекватную способность управлять средствами и заниматься серьезными проектами.
Данные характеристики абсолютно необходимы для эффективного использования структурных фондов и фондов сплочения. As of 1 July, Croatia joins the 27 member states of the European Union. A World Bank report shows Railways Traffic, that the state to the AdriaticFigure Sea has an Croatian increasing and competitive economy, as well as the appropriate institutional capacity to face the EU membership demands.
For the projects for the reconstruction of the railway pean transport corridors and the au- moment, passenger and freight transport tunnels in the Sisak region in However, public money went to the road railway infrastructure, especially that on the transport sector, Winner of the European Mobility Week 2,so that today the Croatian pan-European Corridor X.
By the end tive public transport system for its citizens. Croatian Railways is still in a transition peSome sections have already been moder- enjoy the measures aimed to reduce traffic riod, the restructuring and privatisation of nised, other sections are under modernisa- congestion and to improve the services such certain are not fully finalized because tion and41 others are in the phase andof the as accessibility to theover publictransport sys The authorities have decided to adopt In , Croatia trafficmore units per railmeans route-km— future activities of the traffic railway intensity area.
The in funds in Having peaked at 1,, in , before system beinginto the which km of double track and km provement and modernisation of the railway public transport system, but also to reduce of adversely electrified track. According to the World on a mix of public transport pulled down by passenger services: in , freight traffic intensity, at , traffic unitsvehicles per and from Zagreb to Osijek and then to the sec- Bank report, km of railway line have individual cars.
Urban transport has 19 tram rail route-km, was equal of the inEU Nevertheless, the intensity overallto night tions Zagreb — Rjeka, Zagreb — Split. Croatian Railways manages the line is Dobova — Tovarnik, part of the pan- Sisak section, part of the Turopolje-Velika commuter railway transport system providEuropean corridor X, electrified on most of Gorica line, Sisak-Petrinja and Sisak-Caprag- ing connection to the suburbs of the capital.
This mode of transport is aimed nounced projects for the construction of to complete the tram transport system and Figurein Rail Network Croatia a second rail transport system theThe city, the railofcommuter system. The authorities more construction of an underoften building In , traffic intensity in Croatia stood at 1,, traffic pera light railrailroute-km— cessityunits to build line instead of an underground metro system, because the nearly double the traffic intensity in Serbia.
Having peaked at 1,, inbe, before being former would less expensive. The construction of an underground sysadversely affected by the impact of the international financial crisis from the last quarter of , tem will cost twice as much as a light rail. ExpertsTraffic have pro and against arguments. However, rail route-km, was equal to 75 percent of the EU average, Nevertheless, the intensity of overall experts estimated a maximum volume of passengers per hour for , consiinfrastructure usage remains below the EU average, with negative7, financial repercussions given dering the fact that Zagreb population the high fixed costs of rail infrastructure.
Therefore, it seems that odds are for the light rail system. The cost of the entire project was estimated at EUR 5. С 1 июля Хорватия присоединится к 27 13, государствам-членам Европейского союза. Хорватию пересекают три общеевропейских транспортных коридора, а власти провели обширную программу инвестиций в развитие хорватских отсеков этих трех транспортных коридоров.
Despite recent investments, there is a significant maintenance backlog in rail substructure and superstructure. There have been major infrastructure improvements over the. Since Croatia will become an EU member, the financing possibilities of projects will increase significantly, emphasizing here the importance of the transport segment. Thus, within the EU, the main objective of SOP-T as regards Croatia is to grant investments to projects that have an impact on the railway infrastructure modernisation along TEN-T, the Corridors X and V and, at the same time, the purpose of the programme is to continue the preparation of the future modernisation projects and to improve inland waterway transport on Corridor VII.
In the railway infrastructure segment, at the moment Croatia is initiating important projects for integration in the EU network, and the authorities in charge are elaborating future projects.
According to the railway infrastructure manager HZ Infrastruktura ,. EUR 3. The first three projects concern the reconstruction of Dugo SeloKrizevci railway line and the construction of Podsused-Samobor and Gradec-Sveti Ivan Zabno lines, all located in the central part of Croatia. In April, HZ Infrastruktura announced the launch of the tender for the modernisation of the railway line which connects the Hungarian border to Botovo and Dugo Selo, works on the line Koprivnica-Botovo-border being estimated at EUR 17 Million, the company announced.
Certain sections have already been modernised, others are being modernised and others are in the phase of design and will be included in applications for EU funds as of In addition, works have kicked off on the reconstruction project for the Sisak railway station and the construction of a walkway over the Sisak-Caprag line, at a cost of EUR 6. The reconstruction of the railway station, worth EUR 5. Works should be completed by the end of By the end of the year, the infrastructure manager plans to implement a number of railway projects aiming at the reconstruction and modernisation of Zagreb-Sisak sections, part of the Turopolje-Velika Gorica track, the Sisak-Petrinja railway and Sisak-CapragNovska rail track.
In addition, for next year, the company will launch reconstruction projects of tunnels in the Sisak region and estimates the completion of the modernization project of the Okucani-Novska railway section. По сегменту железнодорожной инфраструктуры Хорватия в настоящее время осуществляет важные проекты интеграции в сеть ЕС, а ответственные структуры разрабатывают будущие проекты.
Согласно администратору железнодорожной инфраструктуры ХЖ Инфраструктура , до года будет вкладываться 3,3 млрд. In most situations, in large urban agglomerations, territorial expansions to suburbs have made public transport or other similar alternatives no longer attractive compared to private cars.
A vicious circle has been created: the low public transport demand has triggered fewer resources for this type of services and it has all climaxed in a poorer offer from public transport operators. Urban mobility is a constantly growing concern for the citizens. Nine out of ten EU citizens believe that the situation of traffic in their area should improve. The development of efficient transport systems in urban areas has become a task which grows in complexity considering both traffic congestion in the city and the accelerated urban expansion.
The main responsibilities on urban mobility policies are those of local, regional and national authorities. However, the decisions adopted at local level are not made individually, but they are integrated within the national, regional and European legislations.
Consequently, the Commission believes that a lot of progress can be achieved towards supporting local, regional and national activities and elaborating a joint approach that would fully observe the different competencies and responsibilities of concerned parties. It is also necessary to rethink the strategies on the extension of the tram, metro or light rail networks and even for the construction of new such networks.
Prognoses for and look good on paper, it seems that we have already eliminated the polluting factor from urban transport…. Environmentally friendly policies have been introduced in many cities across the EU. Action at EU level can help strengthen markets for new, clean vehicle technologies and alternative fuels.
This will directly support EU industry, promote healthy environments and contribute to the recovery of the European economy. The current situation regarding accessibi-. The suburbs have higher average transport costs, explained not only by the need for longer trips, but also by the more expensive or less efficient transport solutions that are available. The various modes would in general keep their relative share in the absence of significant policy changes.
Road transport would maintain its dominant role in both passenger and freight transport within the EU, with passenger cars still contributing more than two thirds to total passenger transport in High congestion levels would seriously affect road transport in several member states by without effective countervailing measures such as road pricing.
While urban congestion will mainly depend on car ownership levels, the extent of urban sprawl and the degree of availability of public transport alternatives, congestion on the inter-urban network would be the result of growing freight transport activity along specific corridors, in particular where these corridors cross urban areas with heavy local traffic.
В большинстве случаев, в крупных городах территориальное расширение в сторону окраин сделали общественный транспорт и другие альтернативы менее привлекательными по сравнению с транспортом на собственном автомобиле. Практически образовался порочный круг: низкий спрос на общественный транспорт привел к выделению ему меньших ресурсов, а в итоге образовалось более слабое предложение услуг общественного транспорта.
Estonia is one of the European countries which have lately tried to adapt to new requirements on economic and social growth struggling to answer to development and modernization needs in a new and revolutionary way. After these modernisation policies, Estonia has kept going and has launched a new challenge to European countries: since the beginning of this year, Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, has become the largest city to provide free public transport services to its citizens.
Before introducing free public transport services, the authorities have launched a referendum in March , where In , before introducing free public transport services, the authorities implemented a series of measures including the extension of the transport network including the bus lines in , the merger of the two city companies which provided transport services in June , the decision of the Local Council on the application of the measure voted in September and in force since 1 January and the implementation of the new payment systems contactless payment since September With a population of , citizens, Tallinn owns public transport vehicles buses, trams, trolleybuses and the budget allocated to public transport in was of EUR 53 Million.
When adopting the policy on the provision of free transport services, the authorities have considered four aspects related to the social, economic, environmental and fiscal segments. From the social point of view, the stress has fallen on guaranteeing mobility for the residents with small revenues or for the unemployed because the use of public transport facilitates the use of common spaces for the different segments of the society; the economic aspect has focused on increasing the mobility of the work force in the space limits of the city, stimulating the activity of consumers and directing the savings from public transport to other goods and local services.
As regards the environment, the authorities have implemented this project to encourage modal shift and to attract the people using individual transportation to public transport while considering the well-known characteristics of urban transport: increased air quality, reduced pollution and noise level, as well as the development of urban areas. As part of the fiscal activity, the authorities in Tallinn see a strong motivation for registering the residency of the citizens in Tallinn, thus increasing the income tax.
Also, the two public transport companies have merged leading to significant operating cost savings; moreover, parking spaces have been extended. In order to increase the share of public transport, the authorities have implemented projects to upgrade services. The development plan of the Estonian capital is very ambitious as the authorities plan to candidate for the title of the European Green Capital Free public transport is the first step in this process.
The authorities could also launch debates on the supply of other free public services. Railway PRO: Can a city really adopt a new lifestyle in terms of public transport? What are the challenges met in changing the lifestyle of a city?
Railway PRO: What is the role of public transport in the economic development of a city and of a country? It enables the residents to save their personal time, their money and so increases the economic efficiency. Streets are not designed to meet all the cars. The air pollution with CO2 and dust as well as noise pollution are dangerous for all inhabitants, including the children and elderly people. Parking the cars in the central location is expensive and increasing the tariffs for parking does not solve the problem.
The parking places in the residential regions take away the valuable land for green areas, playgrounds and recreation paths. The growing number of private cars means heavy traffic jams and the average cruising speed is getting lower in reality.
It means the time lost for the family, friends and hobbies. For many people the private car has been a status symbol in kind. It is the challenge for the municipalities to promote alternative lifestyle to use bicycles, more walking and using the public transport. Fortunately the younger generation in their twenties is not so much addicted to have their private cars.
If needed occasionally, they are easy to rent cars or use car-sharing. It means the innovative measures of spatial planning, modernised sustainable transport fleet and ITS with efficient use of the ICT applications for informing the passengers. It means new long-time investments and the shift of priorities for the municipal budget combined with targeted using of available EU funding to implement the best practices.
I consider learning from the experience of cities with most advanced and sustainable public transport will speed. Railway PRO: What are the most efficient methods of achieving the modal shift to more sustainable transport modes in cities? The guaranteed quality of public transport clean, sufficient frequency, strict time-tables, optimised line network, attracts the new users and promotes the alternative to using private cars.
Pricing of the public transport is the most efficient tool to achieve the modal shift for medium and low income population. Railway PRO: Tallinn is the first European capital to have introduced free public transport services, an action of courage that could lead public transport to a different level. What were the reasons for which the authorities decided on such a project? The analyses proved that introducing free public transport for the residents of Tallinn will be beneficial for the people and help us to reach the aim of sustainable movement of people.
Tallinn is able to allocate the needed finances in the City budget. In March the referendum on introducing the free public transport was held in Tallinn.
Based on the support of the people Tallinn City Council adopted the decision in September to introduce free public transport for the residents of Tallinn from 01 January Railway PRO: What is the objective of this policy in the transport sector, but also socially, economically and environmentally? As the social aspects, free public transport guarantees mobility for unemployed and low income residents of Tallinn, not able to travel because of financial limitations. Savings from transport are spent for local goods and services thus activating the economy.
Environmental aspects - the first three months of free public transport has proved the considerable improvement of the city environment. The main crossings are less congested and the noise level at the main streets decreased. Railway PRO: Do these free public transport services refer to all categories of citizens and cover all public transport modes in Tallinn bus, tram, trolleybus, train and ferry services?
The people who are not residents of Tallinn can buy the travel card and load it with money in the service centres or via internet. It means that possible future power shifts in the Council are not able to change it easily. The initial critics have vanished and the first months of free public transport prove that the decision was right. Tallinn Public Transport company is the municipal enterprise financed fully by the municipality, therefore this innovation does not harm any other cities.
Is it possible that the implementation of the project would reduce the budget of public transport development? If the budget allocated to this sector is smaller, how will investment funds be covered? Every residents bring about 1 million euros of personal income tax to the City budget. Merging two public transport companies gives the city extra savings and we can follow the additional income from increasing economic activity to cover the costs of free public transport.
Tallinn economic situation is fairly healthy, we do not foresee any cuts for the public transport development budget. Railway PRO: Talking about investments, can you tell us what the public transport development strategy espeRailway PRO: The delivery of free pub- cially tram in the capital of Estonia is and lic transport services has attracted many what are the investments envisaged in the critics to local authorities consisting main- development plan of the entire transport ly in economic criteria, such as the city system?
As representa- provide better and extensive service to tive of Tallinn to the European Union, can the residents and our guests. Our biggest you explain this situation to us? We PT priority area in the future. The centre of Tallinn is standing at the narrow strip between the sea and the lake. To make the commuting better we are finalising the big development works on East-West circle road with remarkable EU co-financing this year.
The planned investments in the fleet of public transport are continuously growing and are supporting the target of Tallinn to be rewarded the European Green Capital nomination for Sustainable public transport is one highlight of our application.
Railway PRO: From the point of view of free public transport services, can Tallinn become an example for the other European capitals? Tallinn free public transport system development has been extensively covered by international media. We are sure that our system will be sustainable and we are ready to share our experience with all interested parties in Europe and wider overseas.
This network could serve as the focal centre of information on this innovative urban practice for all European municipalities and regions. Недавние оценки показывают, что Решение о предоставлении бесплатного общественного транспорта в Таллине оказалось правильным Эстония является одной из европейских стран, которые в последние годы пытается адаптироваться к новым тенденциям социальноэкономического роста, пытаясь удовлетворить потребности в развитии и модернизации новым революционным способом.
Это также касается политики бесплатного предоставления услуг общественного транспорта в столице Таллине. По предварительным оценкам, данная мера привела к увеличению доли общественного транспорта, и впоследствии пассажиры предпочитают пользоваться общественным транспортом. In , Istanbul hosted 9. The same authorities also say that they are ready to provide an efficient public transport for the Organisation of the Olympic Games in Istanbul, together with Tokyo and Madrid, is one of the candidate cities for the organisation of the Olympic Games.
The funds allocated are three times higher than those estimated by Tokyo and Madrid together. The city on the banks of the Black Sea and Marmara Sea has a very efficient and easy to access rail transport system — tram and light rail. Also, the inauguration in October of Marmaray Tunnel is another plus of the public transport system in Istanbul.
Recently, on 29 May, Turkey announced the initiation of construction works to a new bridge across the Bosporus, the first one equipped with a railway line. The bridge will be built in the north. Thus, the superior level will have eight lanes for road traffic, four in each direction.
The railways will be built on the inferior level of the bridge. The bridge will connect the new airport of Istanbul due in The new airport will be transited by million passengers per year.
The transport network in Istanbul has developed constantly in the last ten years; two new light rail networks have been built as well as a new rapid bus line. According to the same development plan, the authorities have committed to allocate another EUR 6. The same group of financing includes Marmaray Tunnel as well. The transport plan for Istanbul will focus on the existing transport capacity already significant , as well as on the underground, tram and Metrobus networks of the city so as to offer an efficient transport to participants.
On average, the stations will. В году в Стамбул приезжало 9,5 млн. Те же власти говорят, что они готовы к организации Олимпийских игр года с точки зрения обеспечения эффективного общественного транспорта. Стамбул, наряду с Токио и Мадридом, является одним из городовкандидатов на звание организатора Олимпийских игр.
Давайте посмотрим, как они подготовились к обеспечению общественного транспорта! The cost of infrastructure development in the European Union, necessary to meet the transport demand, was estimated at over EUR 1.
However, in the years and decades to come, it will be more and more difficult to find means of investing in the transport infrastructure. The aging of population means that the highest value of resources will be absorbed by social insurance costs.
Moreover, the economic crisis in affected public budgets and private loans to a great extent. The economic recession period will be followed by long consolidation processes. Trans-shown barriers do 5. As life expectancy rises The EU, ageing of the EU population cannew be illustrated byselected the population pyramids in Figure capital market models and new pricing port is a complex system that is based on andmechanisms, fertility rates remain low, thepricing.
Recent such as congestion interaction of infrastructure, vehicles, A worrying in Europe is thedemoagePoor transport infrastructure an imand behavof population force transgraphic projections show that inis thereinformation will be onlytechnology, two activerules workers for everyingpensioner. Duewhich to thewill adverse impact pediment to the economy. Numerous iour. All these elements must be part of a port services to adapt to a growing eldstudies and confirm relationship between common visionafor change.
In particular, a recent study,from based2. In the such as pensions, health care and long-term care will increase substantially by This underlines the need forEuropean the transconnection to the high speed rail network other regions of the world will face similar Union, around 1 person out of 6 has disportsignificantly sector to increase itseconomic contribution competitiveness.
The quality, reliability, safety rate of cities. Business as usual is not a vi- mand for mobility keeps growing. The best and accessibility, especially for disabled able option: increasing transport costs for technology will benefit from an expanding people, as well as public transport safety, businesses will hamper economic in growth, market its commercialisation. Population pyramids in the EU, by age groups and sex and EU Population by age groups and sex Males. Specific pyramid source: Eurostat, Europop For most of the citizens in the European Union, personal transport modes will however remain the only alternative due to the complexity of their daily journeys.
Using vehicles that are more efficient in terms of consumption will be a necessity. Town planning, access regulation including low emission zones, stricter controls on parking, pricing policies and alternative forms of accessibility could significantly.
Promoting better modal choices will require greater integration of the modal networks: airports, ports, railway, metro and bus stations, car hire spots and parking areas, should increasingly be merged and conceived as multimodal connection platforms for passengers. The development of a properly-integrated transport system such as creating a single railway area is currently delayed by a.
Regulation barriers in accessing a market, technical incompatibilities between transport modes and even the inappropriate or obsolete legislation are among the greatest challenges. Both the Commission and the European Parliament hope that the adoption of the Fourth Railway Package would help harmonise railway passenger transport services in the EU and stimulate the sustainable and integrated mobility in the macro-region and in metropolitan areas.
The Commission has recently published a study on the available regulation alternatives for opening the domestic passenger transport markets. The study concludes that the real market opening will have a major positive impact on the railway sectors across the EU. Стоимость развития инфраструктуры в странах Европейского Союза для удовлетворения спроса на перевозки была оценена в размере 1,5 триллиона евро на период с года по год.
Тем не менее, в ближайшие годы и десятилетия будет всё труднее найти способы инвестирования в транспортную инфраструктуру. Старение населения означает, что большая часть ресурсов будет поглощена расходами на социальное обеспечение. Кроме того, экономический кризис годов серьезно сказался на государственных бюджетах и частных кредитах. После завершения периода экономического спада потребуется длительный процесс восстановления.
A functional design is absolutely essential, and parallel business activities are a common feature of high speed stations. Apart from services inside railway stations, the intermodal component, meaning the connection of the rail station to the city centre and airports, is very important, mainly if the link is created with the help of rail transport as well.
Thus, railway station managers will have to prove their impartiality with respect to all market players. New operators will demand their own ticketing facilities to meet the demands of their customers and the railway stations will have to provide almost the same facilities as airports: restaurants, shopping centres, modern waiting rooms.
Railway stations in Western Europe, such as those in Germany, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands are already providing customers with high-standard services that integrate in the urban landscape as profit-generating shopping centres and which are no longer seen as mere railway stations in the city centre.
The rapid development of the different transit systems has led to the modernisation of railway stations along the crossed route. They have to be as aesthetically built or modernised as possible and to dispose of enough capacity to provide shelter for users. Passengers in transit need special places where they should wait for the next. Railway stations, integrated to other open and attractive public spaces and ecofriendly pedestrian ways will attract users and will maintain passenger traffic.
Paris-Gare du Nord. The problems that railway station managers are faced with are related to the way in which these railway stations can become more attractive for passengers, provide more accessible and more eco-friendly services or efficient methods through which railway stations can generate profits.
Railway stations have to be attractive and meet the expectations of passengers and retail customers. Most of the times, the railway station is the first image associated with the idea of railway transport. They have to transform, just like airports, into profit-generating hubs.
What can we say about the central position of a railway station? Many railway station locations are attractive as retail location, due to their high accessibility on regional scale, but whether they have the real effect on the distribution of retail location still needs to be investigated. One of the acute problems that railway managers are confronted with is the liberalisation of. Вокзалы могут являться многофункциональными узлами города Критерии для размещения вокзала или вокзалов для высокоскоростных линий в городах должны учитывать оптимальные требования города и граждан, а также специфические требования железнодорожной системы.
Функциональный дизайн вокзала является абсолютно необходимым, в то время как возможность параллельного осуществления предпринимательской деятельности также является характерной особенностью станции высокоскоростных железных дорог. Помимо услуг, предоставляемых на территории вокзалов в развитых городах, также важны интермодальная составляющая и сообщение вокзала с центром города и аэропортами.
Эффективнее, если соединение осуществляется с помощью железнодорожного транспорта. Вокзал больше не должен рассматриваться как препятствие, как архитектурное сооружение, «мешающее» образу города. Several months are left until the adoption of the legislative documents on the Horizon strategy by the European Parliament and the Council at the end of , and the Commission will need 6 months for the preparation of the work scheme, guidelines for applicants and the implementation of structures for launching the first requests, in January But until this date, the programme for research and innovation must get through the negotiations of the multiannual budget Compared to the previous research programmes, Horizon has a simpler structure, which will determine the reduction of the period for granting the financing by days and implicitly the applicants will manage to implement the projects much more quickly.
This is the reason for which the transport sector is one of the six main challenges related to the society approached within Horizon Horizon will address transport. Horizon will address transport as an integrated system. Granting investments in the field of sustainable transport offers European companies a huge commercial opportunity; products and services related to sustainable mobility will represent a global market of EUR Billion in Horizon represents the fair balance.
This includes major investment in key technologies, greater access to capital and support for SMEs. Срок предоставления финансирования в рамках стратегии «Горизонт » сокращён на дней Осталось несколько месяцев до принятия Европейским парламентом и Советом законодательных документов по стратегии Горизонт , а Комиссии потребуется шесть месяцев для подготовки программ работы и руководящих линий для заявителей.
Начиная с января года будут запущены первые заявки. По сравнению с предыдущими исследовательскими программами, Горизонт имеет более простую структуру, что позволит сократить срок предоставления грантовой поддержки на дней, поэтому кандидаты смогут реализовать свои проекты быстрее. In , the Department of Scientific and Technological Options Assessment — STOA — of the European Parliament dealt with projects assessing the impact of introducing and promoting new technologies and identified the best action technological methods for a sustainable and efficient transport, the sustainable management of natural resources and so on.
The final objective was to propose policy options for sustainable transport models, the final report stressing relevant aspects and methods for transition towards a sustainable transport system. More than half of the EU population lives in urban areas, this being the reason why EU has proposed to ensure an appro-. For this purpose, EU invests in many research and innovation projects capable to contribute to the foundation of future policies.
The latter has analysed several scenarios: the eco-efficiency of all transport modes, the redistribution of the share of each transport mode in the European transport and reducing the growth rates of transport volume. One of the conclusions of the study shows that non-technological factors have many times prevented the development of eco-efficient transport. The macro-area includes 28 dynamic railway markets, a mixture of mature, developing and ascending markets, that bring about a spectrum of opportunities across the railway sector.
Several of the measures of the European action plan facilitate the development and the increase of the share of rail in urban transport. STOA: пять препятствий, стоящих на пути развития устойчивого транспорта Департамент оценки научных и технологических возможностей STOA Европейского парламента в году занимался проектами, оценивающими влияние введения или продвижения новых технологий и выявляющими оптимальные варианты действия с точки зрения технологий, устойчивого и эффективного транспорта, устойчивого управления естественными ресурсами, наряду с другими направлениями.
Согласно отчету, опубликованному в году, было выявлено пять препятствий, стоящих на пути развития устойчивого транспорта. The International Union of Railways participates to the development of railway transport and of freight-dedicated international corridors. Railway transport connects countries, but also continents and cohesion is given by the number of railway projects, such as infrastructure modernization, building new lines, modernization of railway equipments, new rolling stock or research in the field.
European freight corridors, the new transport network in Brazil, the Russian projects, and the network in Central Asia or in the Basin of Mekong River, all these projects will revive railway transport. By , over two billion people will move to the city, so it will be necessary to find mobility solutions for urban and suburban routes and rail transport plays an important role here.
Railways are every day more involved in urban development and from the point of view of investments it is very important that the accent will fall on intercity, suburban and high-speed trains.
All intra-European corridors, those linking Europe to Asia and Middle East, need improvement, because they boost interoperability. Turkey will soon inaugurate the section Baku — Tbilisi — Kars, which is a plus for the link between the two continents and which will definitely increase the share of railway transport.
At present, the key word is interoperability, also between continents, not only between European countries. Also, another key factor for cohesion is solving technical and administrative problems. Cohesion has to be at the core of the railway development policy.
Security and safety are also important. However, the railway transport sector is currently fragmented and market players are facing problems in observing administrative separation principles. Therefore, railway transport needs an improved harmonisation of technical and administrative rules both in Europe and Asia which will facilitate and ease cross-border operations.
There are several efficient solutions for this, among which satellite tracking systems, development of new international hubs, the mapping of the network, new data bases or the development of each data base of the authorities, a better standardisation of specific regulations in Europe, Asia and the Area, development of new transport corridors and new integration and charging systems. Most new transport corridors between Europe and Middle East from East to West and North to South, also the new corridors linking Europe and Africa, as well as the key role of the Mediterranean hubs, all these, next to the major corridors which cross Europe IV,V,IX and X are key elements for development and territorial cohesion.
Although EU encourages the development of rail urban transport as the answer to challenges related to the noise level, air quality, accidents, congestion, etc. Nevertheless, the introduction of electromobility is a complex process which involves great challenges for the authorities, as regards the organisation of the necessary infrastructure and consumers.
The development of this transport mode implies the radical change of the entire transport system, especially in urban areas, but also legislative and political regulations.
One thing is clear: the fact that all EU. Will the electric system be capable to cover the necessary quantity and the power costs until the development of new smart transport systems or is the development of rail urban transport the most viable result?
Another important element is the price of electric or hybrid ve-. The STOA report on the eco-efficient transport mentions the fact that a transition is needed for a more sustainable transport system which must face recent challenges and the anticipated ones on the evolutions of the transport sector.
According to the conclusions based on the works elaborated so far, the scenarios for the EU eco-efficient transport have already been designed. Индивидуальный электрический транспорт не может представлять собой угрозой для транспорта на рельсах. Несмотря на то, что ЕС поощряет развитие городского транспорта на рельсах в ответ на вызовы, возникшие в связи с уровнем шума, качества воздуха, транспортных происшествий, пробок и т.